
  • Actuelburo
    Demandé le 6 décembre 2024 à 06:07


    Je vous écris au sujet d'une petite modification que je souhaite apporter à mon formulaire. J'aimerais que certains champs soient potentiellement cachés ou en lecture seule, mais qu'ils soient préremplis par un lien EURL. Actuellement, nous utilisons un CRM interne (que nous conserverons) l'objectif est donc de permettre à nos clients de souscrire à un formulaire en cliquant sur le lien et que les informations qui les concerne soient déjà renseignée et ce petit détail pourrait considérablement faciliter le processus pour nos clients, tout en nous aidant à développer des relations commerciales à long terme. En fournissant un lien à mes développeurs, ils pourront préremplir les champs nécessaires avec les informations du client. (lien qui doit être unique par le client)

    Pourriez-vous me dire quelles fonctionnalités utiliser pour cette tâche ? J'ai regardé la partie préremplissage, mais je n'arrive pas à trouver comment générer un lien qui renseigne automatiquement les champs souhaités. Votre aide à ce sujet serait grandement appréciée.

    Merci d'avance pour votre réponse et votre soutien.

    Bien cordialement,


  • Lorenz Jotform Support
    Répondu le 6 décembre 2024 à 08:33

    Hi Baptiste,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Our French Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in French, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again. 

    Now, coming back to your question, setting up a field as hidden or read-only is easy. Let me walk you through it:

    Hiding a field:

    1. In Form Builder, select the fields you would like to set as hidden.

    2. Click on the gear icon, to open its Properties.

    3. On the right side of the page, click on the Advanced tab.

    4. Then, scroll down a bit, and toggle on Hide Field.

    préremplissage Image 1 Screenshot 30

    Setting up a field as read-only:

    1. In Form Builder, select the fields you would like to set as hidden.

    2. Click on the gear icon, to open its Properties.

    3. On the right side of the page, click on the Advanced tab.

    4. Scroll down a bit, and toggle on Read Only.

    préremplissage Image 2 Screenshot 41

    You can choose, which ever method works for you. As for getting the form fields prefill by EURL Link, can you explain a bit more about that? If you want populate fields with URL parameter, then you can check out our guide here. If there's more to it, let us know and provide more details, so we can assist you better.

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to help you with this.

  • Actuelburo
    Répondu le 6 décembre 2024 à 09:20
    Merci pour votre ronse rapide et comple ! Cela semble effectivement correspondre la fonctionnalitque je cherchais. Je vais tester les mhodes que vous m'avez indiqu. Je reviendrai vers vous si j'ai besoin de plus d'assistance.
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    Envoy: vendredi 6 dembre 2024 14:33
    : Baptiste FORGET <bforget>
    Objet : Re: premplissage
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    Theres a new response on your question:
    Hi Baptiste,
    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Our French Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in French, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.
    Now, coming back to your question, setting up a field as hidden or read-only is easy. Let me walk you through it:
    Hiding a field:
    1. In Form Builder, select the fields you would like to set as hidden.
    2. Click on the gear icon, to open its Properties.
    3. On the right side of the page, click on the Advanced tab.
    4. Then, scroll down a bit, and toggle on Hide Field.
    Setting up a field as read-only:
    1. In Form Builder, select the fields you would like to set as hidden.
    2. Click on the gear icon, to open its Properties.
    3. On the right side of the page, click on the Advanced tab.
    4. Scroll down a bit, and toggle on Read Only.
    You can choose, which ever method works for you. As for getting the form fields prefill by EURL Link, can you explain a bit more about that? If you want populate fields with URL parameter, then you can check out our guide here<https: />. If there's more to it, let us know and provide more details, so we can assist you better.
    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to help you with this.
    Answered by
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  • Actuelburo
    Répondu le 12 décembre 2024 à 05:55

    parfait merci