lyviocavalierDemandé le 25 décembre 2024 à 23:13
Bonjour peut on intégrer dans le PDF envoyer après la validation du formulaire un QR code qui permet d’accéder à un autre formulaire avec des champs pré remplis avec les données saisies dans le premier formulaire?
Le premier formulaire est https://form.jotform.com/243583856432161
le QR code doit envoyer vers https://form.jotform.com/243585125814863 avec les champs numéro de bon, le nom (prénom et nom de famille) et l’adresse mail pré rempli avec les éléments que l’utilisateur aura saisi dans le premier formulaire.
Jeric Jotform SupportRépondu le 26 décembre 2024 à 01:23
Hi Cavalier,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Our French Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users right now, so I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in French, let us know and we can have them do that. But, it might take a while until they're available again.
Now, coming back to your question, I understand the issue, but I’ll need a bit of time to work out a solution. I’ll get back to you shortly.
Thanks for your patience, we appreciate it.
Jeric Jotform SupportRépondu le 26 décembre 2024 à 10:18
Hi Cavalier,
I am still testing this out and checking if it's possible via a URL parameter and if we can be added to the PDF Report. When I have an update, I'll reach back to you on this thread.Thanks for your patience, we appreciate it.
lyviocavalierRépondu le 26 décembre 2024 à 10:43
Hello Jeric thank you for your feed back. I am waiting for your answer.
lyviocavalierRépondu le 26 décembre 2024 à 16:14
Hi Jeric,
I kept searching and made some progress. I made a calculated field with the following formula.
When I filled in the important elements it generated the following link for me
https://form.jotform.com/243585125814863?numeroDu=4&nomDu=Lyvio Cavalier&emailDu=lyvio.cavalier@gbh.fr
The first problem is that the first and last name are not filled in the right place in the second form. As you can see in the screenshot the first and last name are filled in the first name box of the second form
First form
second form
the second problem is that the QR CODE does not appear in the PDF while it appears in the email.
Jeric Jotform SupportRépondu le 26 décembre 2024 à 22:34
Hi Cavalier,
That's because Full Name element has a subfield for First and Last Name. If you use the Calculate a Field Conditional l:ogic, it's not possible to specify the sub-fields. I also tried the QR code widget and used URL parameter, but the message to encode is fixed, and it doesn't read the URL parameter correctly. Our option is to use a different field for your target form instead of using the Full Name element with sub-fields, we can use the Short Text element which means the First and Last Name will be combined. You can refer to the screenshot below:Give it a try and let us know how it goes.
lyviocavalierRépondu le 27 décembre 2024 à 07:13
Hello Jeric,
I tried with two short text fields and it works. I hoped I didn't have to change the form fields so that the columns of the table filled in after submissions didn't change.
Have you been able to find out how to integrate the QR Code image into the PDF?
Jeric Jotform SupportRépondu le 27 décembre 2024 à 07:25
Hi Cavalier,
It's possible by adding the Dynamic QR code on your form. You can copy the Form Calculation data to a Long Text field and set the Long Text Field label as a field to encode. Give some time to create a demo form. I'll be back as soon as I can.
Thanks for your patience, we appreciate it.
lyviocavalierRépondu le 27 décembre 2024 à 08:00
Hi Jeric
I managed to create the dynamic QR code in the form. I want it to also appear in the PDF sent by email after the validation of the form. For now in the PDF I havé the link but not the QR CODE.
Jeric Jotform SupportRépondu le 27 décembre 2024 à 08:20
Hi Cavalier,
Great, now let me show you how to add it to your existing PDF report. You can check the steps below:
- In PDF Editor, click on Add Element + on the top left side. Make sure you are working on the right PDF Report tab.
- On the left panel, click on Form Fields.
- Finally, select QR Code.
We also have this guide on customizing your PDF Report.
Give it a try and let us know how it goes.
- In PDF Editor, click on Add Element + on the top left side. Make sure you are working on the right PDF Report tab.
lyviocavalierRépondu le 27 décembre 2024 à 12:42
Oh my god it’s very good thank you very much