I have a message telling me that I have exceeded the submission storage limit.

  • pngondo
    Demandé le 8 novembre 2023 à 12:36
    I now have another problem, I have a message telling me that I have exceeded the submission storage limit :

    In the free version I have the right to 500 submissions. After calculation for the month of October I am at 467 submissions.

    Renouvellement automatique des abonnements Image 1 Screenshot 20 Screenshot 10

    Could you please help me with this?

    Thanks in advance.


  • Waqas_A
    Répondu le 8 novembre 2023 à 12:46

    Hi Prisca,

    Thanks for getting back to us. I checked your account, and it appears you've reached your total submission storage. I've gone ahead and sent a job to remove your submissions. You can check this guide on Understanding Your Account Usage and Limits. Can you try it again and see how it goes? If you run into the same issue again, let us know, and we'll do some more testing to see what's going on. 

    Give it a try and reach out again if you have any other questions.