Aside from adding Jotform emails to your contact list, you can prevent important emails from being marked as spam or blocked by your email provider by adding Jotform’s IP addresses and domains to your email whitelist. This helps maintain reliable communication, ensuring that notifications from submissions and other form activities reach your inbox.
Jotform Default Email List
Jotform IP List
Jotform Sender Domains List
- *
See also: Troubleshooting Email Notifications.
Send Comment:
34 days ago
i cant receive email from jotform
45 days ago
please stop hchaoitula on every form in my account billflinn@me login
60 days ago
Hello, we are having issues getting jotform to function on one of our network profiles. I am not seeing any blocks at the URLs or IPs provided. Are these up to date?
93 days ago
no what i need is to whitelist my ip address as am getting captcha on every submission and its taking much of my time
116 days ago
I just signed up for Jotform recently, created a form, and then when I went to test it, it asked for human verification after I went to submit it. I wanted to remove it, and so I looked it up and saw that if I upgrade to a paid account, I could do that. I have now upgraded, but not sure how to do this. Can you please help me?
137 days ago
Hi Support,
Some of the emails getting bounced back sent on jotform by our customers. After analyzing, it is found that one of your IP addresses is blocked at Spamhaus, causing delivery failure. Please look into it and take the required action.
Virendra Pal Singh
204 days ago
I'm having the same issue. I use turbify and am getting no where on the phone with them. They said it's the website application bento box that we use that is causing the issue. Yet they don't have anything to do with my email. HELP
254 days ago
Checkout this issue please:
277 days ago
Is this one of Jotform's IP addresses?
I am having the same issue with a sign-in from Council Bluffs, Iowa
285 days ago
I need to create a SPF record, is this correct?
Txt v=spf1 ~all
341 days ago
Hi, do you have any Exchange / Office 365 relay connectors that we need to enter into our Office 365 configuration? Trying to enter our credentials to send the jotform emails as one of our domains and the SMTP is not verifying.
More than a year ago
Jotform emails sent from 207.91.192.x ( are blocked by ProofPoint but these IPs aren't listed in this article.
More than a year ago
Good Day! I have already included all the IPs and Domains listed here in our proxy server but still the forms does not load correctly (upload buttons not showing up, header logo does not appear, format is all left justified) on our clients that are accessing the forms via a proxy server...kindly advice on what might be causing the problem..Thanks
More than a year ago
Jotform emails sent from to us are blocked by ProofPoint. However these IP addresses are not on the list above. Does the list need an update?
More than a year ago
I want to use the Spread sheet widget but the with is so small. Is their a way to increase the with of each cell so I can read everything at a glance?
Also I mistakenly created a form in another jot form account. Is their a way I can transfer the form to my silver account?
You should make your self available to your customers. Utilize zoom/phone Services. very important
More than a year ago
Please can you provide the specific IP adresss/es or ranges that you use for FTP so I can whitelist it/them and setup a connection.
Kind regards
More than a year ago
I received a password reset on March 17th for the account of Please send another password reset. ASAP
More than a year ago
We are not getting the verification code when adding a replacement email into sender email so it will be from our google apps g-suite account - This is confusing for us. Can you guide us please.
This is a non profit account and the board members change every 2 years so we prefer not to do the smtp with a user name and password as that will change every 2 years.
Customize the content of the email and the address of the sender.
Sender Email
Users can receive emails using your own SMTP server instead of Jotform's servers.
Email Type
More than a year ago
Was told by Westhost that your IP address ( is on blacklist for
which is preventing us from consistently receiving submitted forms.
Our username is MEngPEB. How do we address this issue?
More than a year ago
I have had my network admin whitelist everything in this list however Outlook is still placing jotform submission emails into quarantine...
Can you please assist?
More than a year ago
I am having emails being rejected from sending on gmail coming from IP addresses other than these.
Are there any additional IP addresses that are not listed?
I am going through them all and so far am seeing two that are being rejected and that are not listed on this list.
More than a year ago
The largest subnet Exchange Online will allow whitelisted in the connection filter is /24. This is a huge list. What are other options? Can our emails be narrowed down to a specific range?
More than a year ago
I've added 3 of the JotFrom emails to my Gmail contact.
But I can't find where I can add the whitelist of domains list and IP.
Can you please provide guidance to me?
Thanks - Billy
More than a year ago
We use Rackspace web mail and when trying to add IP addresses above, the window says that the IP address is not valid.
Please assist further. I am not a technician and I do not understand what I am doing incorrectly.
Dr. Brons
More than a year ago
This does not work. Foix this asap. I'm so tempted to cancel.