Create a Submission Limit Using Jotform with PHP and RSS Reports

February 27, 2023


Submissions limit has been implemented as a Jotform core feature. Check this guide to learn how: How to Limit Submissions in a Form.

Youtube Embed Poster: YZFkZeoV2hU

For those who urgently need the submission limit feature, we have a quick solution for you.

But first thing’s first, this is going to be outside Jotform’s feature so you’ll get your hands a bit dirty with a bit of script downloading and coding a bit (or some copy-pasting since the code is given below).

Let’s start:

1. Create your RSS report for your form: How-to-Create-an-RSS-Listing-Report. You don’t have to include all fields, just three non-sensitive information to show as the report has a probability of getting scanned by Google (I know some of you don’t want the submissions to show in Google’s search results).

2. Download the compressed (zip) file (LastRSS  script):

3. Extract the file and upload it on your website.

4. Copy this code and paste it into your PHP file where your form is:

Create a Submission Limit Using Jotform with PHP and RSS Reports Image-1

5. Save your PHP file and upload it on your website

Please take note of the highlighted ones enclosed in brackets, these are the ones to be changed with your preferred/specific values.

If you need further clarification, just hit the comments or start a new thread at the forums.

If you are looking for a PHP Form Creator, please have a look at the page referred.

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