How to Limit the Number of Selections on a Checkbox Field

March 26, 2024

This guide shows you how to require a minimum and a maximum number of checkboxes within a group that can be selected. For example, you may have a list of eight checkboxes, and you want to require the user to select a minimum of three options, but would like to prevent this user from selecting more than five.

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Let’s start:

  1. Click on your Multiple Choice (checkbox) element’s gear icon to open the Properties panel.
  2. Go to the Surveying tab.
  3. Enable the Entry Limits option.
  4. Enter your required range in the Minimum and Maximum fields.

On the form, a warning message will appear if the user tries to submit it while the number of selected options is outside the required range.

How to Limit the Number of Selections on a Checkbox Field Image-1

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