How to Share your Donation App on Social Media

September 5, 2023

If you want to get the word out about your donation campaign, you can easily do that by adding a share button to your app. Adding a share button can help increase your overall donations by making the process of finding your donation campaign easier. 

  1. Go to the App Elements menu on the left side of the App Builder and drag and drop the Share Button into the App Builder.
Share Button Element of the Donation App
  1. Open the button’s settings to further customize and pick where your user goes when they press the button. You can also change the button text and customize the color, shape, and font.
Share Button Settings of the Donation App

How your Donors can Share your App on Social Media

Adding the share button will make sharing your app very easy for donors. All they have to do is press the share button and they’ll be able to share to WhatsApp, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and LinkedIn, or they can copy a link to share wherever they want.

Share This App Feature of Donation App

Now you and your donors can easily share your app to social media. Have any questions? Leave a comment below!

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