hamdanburhanDitanyakan pada tanggal 7 April 2023 pukul 19.00
Bisakah kamu membantuku,
saya punya formulir, https://www,.jotform.com/build/230675900484055 , pertama
- saya mengisi formulir, tapi ini dari sve nanti, dan lain kali lanjutkan,
- ketika tombol kirim saya klik, saya tidak dapat melanjutkan formulir ini, bagaimana cara menyembunyikan tombol kirim, dan saya dapat menyimpan formulir isian,
- ketika saya mengisi formulir, tanpa melihat tabel, dapatkah saya mengedit dan melanjutkan formulir ini
- bagaimana agar tampilan continue form , tidak ada blak start over ,agarisi form tidak dimulai awal ,
5 i make duplicate save later and submit, then when i submit , why notification this
Linnea_A Jotform SupportDibalas pada tanggal 8 April 2023 pukul 05.07
Hi Hamdan,
Thanks for contacting Jotform Support. Our Indonesian support isn't available right now, so I'll use machine translation of your message and reply in English. If you want assistance in your language, I can forward your ticket to our Indonesian team, but it'll take more time for them to reply.I checked your form, and you have the Save and Continue Later feature correctly enabled. The error message you received is likely caused by accidentally submitting the form instead of saving it. You can prevent submission of your form when the submission isn't finished by making form fields required for submission. This will make only saving possible but not submission if the required fields are not filled. Here's how you can do that:
- Open your form in Form Builder.
- Click on the field you want to make required, and then click on the Gear icon.
- Toggle on Required.
As for your question about accessing the saved submission, you can do that without the submission table using the URL of the session. You can just bookmark or save the URL of your draft. Submission drafts are also saved in your Jotform account, and if you're saving the draft without being logged in, you can have the session link sent to your email. It's done using this dialog box that appears when clicking save.
Our guide How to Enable Save and Continue Later on Forms goes into more detail about the different ways this feature can be used. If this isn't quite the information you're looking for, could you tell us more about the issue you're having?
As soon as we hear back from you, we can move forward with a solution.