harrisDitanyakan pada tanggal 25 Juli 2023 pukul 02.04
Selamat siang, mohon bantuan dari tim JOTFORM untuk dapat mengembalikan akun saya yang terkena suspend, akun ini saya gunakan untuk pendaftaran acara pekan olah raga namun terkena suspend, mohon dapat dibantu karena sudah ada beberapa data peserta acara yang masuk dan tidak bisa saya unduh terima kasih.
kemudian saya tidak dapat log in untuk masuk sekarang
akun saya acigames2023@gmail.com
William_CDibalas pada tanggal 25 Juli 2023 pukul 06.33
Hi Harris,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I am using a translator to understand your question so please bear with me. Feel free to answer back in your local language if that would help you express your issue better. If you prefer for someone to help you in your local language, just let us know so we can forward it to them. Meanwhile, I will answer your issue in English.
I reviewed the account and it appears to have been suspected for phishing. With this, we would like to know more about your form's intention and what the organization and event are all about. This way well have a better understanding of the account.
As soon as we hear back from you, we'll be able to help you with this.
harrisDibalas pada tanggal 25 Juli 2023 pukul 06.44
sure, i’m trying to use english to explain, so we plan a games competition for organization call ACI FMA indonesia, the game is mobile legend bang bang, so we need to know detail of anyone sending submission , because our event is only for association member and have valid member id, i wish it can explain why the data was very personal. tku for ur response, but if cannot works again it’s ok, i’ll find another free form.
William_CDibalas pada tanggal 25 Juli 2023 pukul 07.37
Hi Harris,
Thanks for getting back to us with the details. About the ACI FMA, do you have a website for this or an official organizational email or website or any social media page where you are advertising or intend to advertise your registration form?
After we hear back from you we'll be able to help you more with this.