Segnalazione di esaurimento spazio a disposizione

  • corimarche
    Domanda del 21 marzo 2024 alle ore 09:35


    Vi scrivo in quanto nel mio account è segnalato il quasi esaurimento dello spazio a disposizione.

    Attualmente ci sono soltanto 3 modulo attivi con 1 sola risposta ricevuta.

    Vi prego di ripristinare lo spazio in base ai moduli ed ai dati attualmente in uso, grazie


    Jotform Thread 13132363 Screenshot
  • William_C
    Risposta del 21 marzo 2024 alle ore 09:51

    Hi corimarche,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I am using a translator to interpret your question so please bear with me. Feel free to answer back using your preferred language if that would help you express your issue better. If you prefer someone to help you in your local language, just let us know so we can forward it to them. Meanwhile, I will answer your issue in English.

    About your upload space issue, you have forms that contain upload fields which you also had past submissions. When you delete your submissions with file attachments, it stays in your trashed entries for 30 days before it gets purged permanently.

    But you can delete your trashed entries immediately in order to immediately free up some space. Here's how:

    1. Go to your form's submissions table page by going to your My Forms page and selecting the form; and
    2. Click the Submissions button
      Segnalazione di esaurimento spazio a disposizione Image 1 Screenshot 40
    3. Next, click the main tab menu's three-dot icon.
    4. Select Trashed entries.
      Segnalazione di esaurimento spazio a disposizione Image 2 Screenshot 51
    5. In the Trash panel on the right, click the Select All checkbox option
    6. Finally, click the Delete Forever button.Segnalazione di esaurimento spazio a disposizione Image 3 Screenshot 62
    7. A prompt will appear and just confirm the deletion.

    After this, it should free up your account of the upload space occupied by those deleted submissions.

    Let us know if you have more questions or need more help.