marcusviniciusitaliaDomanda del 23 maggio 2024 alle ore 08:02
Raymond Jotform SupportRisposta del 23 maggio 2024 alle ore 08:06
Hi Marcus,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. With Jotform Report Builder, you can easily generate visual reports that are based on your submission data. Let me show you how:
- On your My Forms page, select the form that you want to create a report for.
- Click on Reports at the top of the page, and then click on Add New Report.
3. Now, select Visual Report Builder, which will open Report Builder.
4. Enter a Report name.
5. Choose a Report Type:
- Blank – you can add and place charts manually.
- Extended Report – a single chart is shown per page by default.
- Compact Report – two charts are shown per page by default.
6. Then, click on Create and that’s it. You’re done.
For the Extended and the Compact report types, Report Builder will automatically create a chart for each form field or widget on the form. We also have a guide about How to Create a Visual Report with Your Form Submissions that you can check out.
Give it a try and let us know if you need any help.