Spazio di caricamento: lo spazio di caricamento è pieno

  • antonellaberardi
    Domanda del 14 giugno 2024 alle ore 12:09

    Spazio di caricamento: lo spazio di caricamento è pieno Image 1 Screenshot 40Spazio di caricamento: lo spazio di caricamento è pieno Image 2 Screenshot 51Spazio di caricamento: lo spazio di caricamento è pieno Image 3 Screenshot 62Buo

  • Ibrar Jotform Support
    Risposta del 14 giugno 2024 alle ore 12:20

    Hi Antonella,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our Italian Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Italian, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, let me help you with your question. I've checked your account and found that Modulo di anamnesi iniziale form contain 60 uploads. Additionally, upload space has been consumed 133.4MB out of 100MB. Please note, submissions don't take much space, while the upload does take. To free up your upload space, you can delete and then purge your form entries with file uploads. Let me show you how:

    • In My Tables, select the table which contains uploads.
    • Click on the File you want to delete and click on Trash can icon.
    • In the pop-up on the screen, select Delete file to permanently delete the file.

    Spazio di caricamento: lo spazio di caricamento è pieno Image 1 Screenshot 40

    Additionally, you can also delete the submissions and once submission deleted the file associated to that entry will be deleted automatically. Let me show you how:

    • In My Tables, select the table which contains uploads.
    • Select the Entries you want to delete and click on Delete button in the top-right corner.
    • Select Move to Trash, in confirmation dialogue.

    Submissions were already deleted, but upload space wasnt reduced Screenshot 30 Screenshot 51 Screenshot 62 Screenshot 51Questions about Upload Space Screenshot 62 Screenshot 73 Screenshot 62Spazio di caricamento: lo spazio di caricamento è pieno Image 2 Screenshot 73

    Then permanently delete them in the trashed entries.

    • In the Table, select on Three Dots icon next to the Tab name.
    • Select Trashed entries from the menu.
    • In the Trash panel on the right, choose the submissions to delete, then select Delete Forever.
    • Finally, select Delete in the confirmation dialog.

    Spazio di caricamento: lo spazio di caricamento è pieno Image 3 Screenshot 84How to free upload space? Image 2 Screenshot 41 Screenshot 41 Screenshot 73 Screenshot 95 Screenshot 95Questions about Upload Space Screenshot 84 Screenshot 117 Screenshot 106It is recommended to download all entries locally into your system before deleting them permanently from Jotform table because once you delete them permanently you won't able to recover them. If you want, you can integrate Dropbox with your Jotform and all the uploads will automatically upload to Dropbox as well. This guide will show you how to do that. We also have a guide about How to Integrate Your Form With Google Drive that you can check out.

    Check out this guide to learn more about Your Account Usage and Limits. We also have a guide about How to Delete Form Submission Data and How to Download the Submission Files that you can check out.

    Give it a try and let us know if you need any other help.

  • antonellaberardi
    Risposta del 15 giugno 2024 alle ore 05:03

    Buongiorno, in realtà io ho eliminato già tutti i caricamenti come si vede nell'immagine che vi ho allegato, ho ELIMITATO le risposte ricevute, poi vado nel cestino e non torvo i File eliminati quindi sono impossibilitata ad eliminare/Svuotare il cestino

  • antonellaberardi
    Risposta del 15 giugno 2024 alle ore 05:06

    Come puo vedere nell'immagine il mio cestino risulta pieno anche se io ho eliminato le risposte ricevute (i caricamenti)

    quindi non posso usare Jotform Spazio di caricamento: lo spazio di caricamento è pieno Image 1 Screenshot 20

  • Mary Jotform Support
    Risposta del 15 giugno 2024 alle ore 05:18

    Hi Antonella,

    You will need to delete your trash entries in your submission tables. Let me show you how:

    1. On your tables, click the 3-dot icon and select Trashed Entries.

    1675971787 63e54ccbd065d 1 Screenshot 1 Screenshot Screenshot 21 Screenshot 21 Screenshot 10

    2. Select the submission you want to delete and click the Delete Forever button.

    1675971849 63e54d0980aff 2 Screenshot 2 Screenshot Screenshot 32 Screenshot 32 Screenshot 21

    3. Finally, click the Delete button to confirm the deletion of the submission. This will completely purge the submission along with its uploaded data.

    1675971923 63e54d530a58d 3 Screenshot 3 Screenshot Screenshot 43 Screenshot 43 Screenshot 32

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • antonellaberardi
    Risposta del 15 giugno 2024 alle ore 05:28

    Mille grazie risolto