LucaorlandoDomanda del 24 giugno 2023 alle ore 04:51
Ciao, vorrei replicare questo Google Sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1obBQaGd9RlGfqLzhRBvS1HofH5QnGrNUWCkJeMdBgBI/edit#gid=0
Su Jotform...
Ma inserendo la formula il risultato è diverso.
Potete darci un'occhiata perché ci provo da 2 ore ma non riesco.
https://eu.jotform.com/build/231742354248355 -
Mary Enterprise SupportRisposta del 24 giugno 2023 alle ore 08:34
Hello lucasalentino.89,
Thanks for reaching out to us for help. I will be using the Translation tool to assist you and will be replying in English. If you wish to be assisted by your native language, simply indicate it by replying to this ticket thread and we will forward your concern to our Italian Support Team.
As for your question, I would like to clarify some things before we proceed in any actions or solutions.
- Are you integrating your form to Google Sheet and would like the submissions data from the form to Google Sheet to have the same format as below?
- If not, could you explain a bit more about the computation and how should it go about?
Please note that when you integrate your form to Google Sheet, the submissions data per field will be placed per column and not by rows. See sample below.
Once we have a better idea of what’s going on, we’ll be able to come up with a solution.
- Are you integrating your form to Google Sheet and would like the submissions data from the form to Google Sheet to have the same format as below?
LucaorlandoRisposta del 24 giugno 2023 alle ore 09:44
Non intendo questo, voglio creare un calcolatore direttamente su Jotform (come ad esempio il BMI di Jotform).
Voglio che esegua gli stessi calcoli dell'excel, ma come un calcolatore online.
Voglio creare qualcosa di simile http://www.moneychimp.com/international/it/calculator/compound_interest_calculator.htm
Ma con le mie formule dello sheet -
Mary Enterprise SupportRisposta del 24 giugno 2023 alle ore 10:19
Hello lucasalentino.89,
Thanks for getting back us. The formula and computations created in Google Sheet or Excel is different from Jotform itself. Therefore, you can't have the same formulation from Google Sheet added to the form itself. You can recreate the idea, but you will be using the Form Calculation field in your form and apply formula calculation using your fields in the form calculation field. You can easily add the formula in the calculation field.
Go to Form elements under the widget tab and search for the calculating field. Add the calculation field to your form. Go to widget settings. You can add the formula and fields on the calculation panel based on your requirements. After changes click save.
Another option is to utilize the conditions to perform calculations on your forms.
After you have created the form, you can embed the form to your website.
Keep us updated and let us know if you need any more help.