Informazioni su offerte

  • studiodottcompri
    Domanda del 7 dicembre 2023 alle ore 09:51

    Siamo una clinica dentistica e siamo interessati a valutare di introdurre il vostro sistema di invio di moduli online ai nostri pazienti.

  • Mikhail Enterprise Support
    Risposta del 7 dicembre 2023 alle ore 12:01

    Hi studiodottcompri,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Jotform is an online form builder that provides a number of tools and 10,000+ customized templates. Dragging and dropping features or elements makes it really easy to create forms. I'll help you do it:

    • In Form Builder, go to your My Forms page.
    • On the left side of the page, click on Create Form.
    • Click on the Add Form Element menu on the left side of the page.
    • Under the Basic tab, scroll down the list, choose the options that you want, and then drag and drop them onto your form.

    Informazioni su offerte Image 1 Screenshot 30

    The signature field is one of the Basic elements. Circle back to the Add Form Element menu to add that to your form:

    Informazioni su offerte Image 2 Screenshot 41

    There are a number of ways that you can view the data that you collect. 

    • You can view them in Jotform Tables, Inbox, and PDF Reports. 
    • If you're the form owner, you can download the data, and as a default setting, all of the submissions will be sent to your email address. You can also customize this option if you want to. 
    • Your forms can be integrated with 3rd-party cloud storage services. Jotform protects your data using powerful security tools. Check out the details about that here.

    Jotform Tables:

    1637131835 6194a63b59c3f  Screenshot 52 Screenshot 52

    Jotform Inbox:

    1637131735 6194a5d76c520  Screenshot 63 Screenshot 63

    Jotform PDF Editor:

    1637130930 6194a2b2ee1c9  Screenshot 74 Screenshot 74

    Jotform Apps lets you combine a number of forms with things like images, videos, and text into a mobile app.

    Reach out again if you have any other questions.

  • studiodottcompri
    Risposta del 7 dicembre 2023 alle ore 13:27

    Sto gia utilizzando la versione free di jotform e mi sto trovando molto bene nella creazioni di moduli personalizati. La mia domanda era relativa a quale piano potrei acquistare per gestire informazioni mediche dei pazienti. Se è sufficiente un piano base o devo per forza passare ad uno con HIPPA. Se l'invio di questionario in cui richiedo informazioni personali (dati sensibili) può essere effettuato tramite un piano base o se ci vuole un piano più professionale.

  • Mikhail Enterprise Support
    Risposta del 7 dicembre 2023 alle ore 13:36

    Hi studiodottcompri,

    Thanks for getting back to us.  If the medical questions involve collecting patients' information/records, it may require your HIPAA compliance. In this case, you'll have to upgrade to a Gold subscription to have the HIPAA feature.

    If the medical questions that you're referring to are not covered by HIPAA compliance, then no need to change your subscription plan unless needed. Check this link here where it discusses HIPAA-covered entities.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.