Where to find the score of the student who take the exam?

  • mariannavankatwijk
    Gevraagd op 13 januari 2024 om 14:11

    When one of my students has completed the exam, where do I find their score in Jotform?

    I have added scorings to each question, so that I automatically should get their score. right?

    Where can I find that?

  • Carlo Jotform Support
    Geantwoord op 13 januari 2024 om 14:26

    Hi Marianne,

    Thanks for using Jotform. To view your student's scores, you can do that by viewing your table submission page. However, upon checking your form, I didn't find a calculation to compute your student scores, which will require a Form Calculation widget for the score calculation.

    Alternatively, you might consider utilizing our Quiz Form App. This app would be able to identify the answers selected and display the results instantly after submitting the form. Check out our guide explaining how to Turn Your Form into a Quiz or Exam.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • mariannavankatwijk
    Geantwoord op 13 januari 2024 om 14:52

    Hi Carlo,

    Thank you. I will check this out. However, I do not want my students to get the exam results. I want just ME to have access to the calculation.

    I did add into the settings values for the correct answer and 0 for the wrong answers, will there not be a total calculation from that somewhere?

    Where to find the score of the student who take the exam? Image 1 Screenshot 20

  • Haseeb_N
    Geantwoord op 13 januari 2024 om 17:13

    Hi Marianne,

    Thanks for using Jotform. Your students will not have access to your Jotform tables unless you share the submission table access with them To view your student scores, you can do that by viewing your table submission page. You can use the form calculation widget to calculate the values of the field.

    To save yourself from the hassle, you can also use our Quiz Form App.

    Reach out again if there’s anything else we can help you with.