Subaccount geeft aan dat het een start account is

  • jdwsg
    Gevraagd op 12 september 2023 om 03:46


    We maken gebruik van de Economy licentie, hieronder kun je 10 subaccounts instellen. Daar hebben we onder andere het subaccount Als we hier mee inloggen staat er ineens dat het een start account is. De limiet is al bereikt, 5 formulieren. Nu is er een formulier gemaakt onder Met Mij Gedeeld mapje JDWSG. Met het beheeraccount zien we dit formulier niet.

    Wel zien we onder het subaccount oa dit formulier staan.

    Hoe kan het dat een subaccount ineens een starters account is geworden ?

    En hoe kan het dat er wel een map naar het hoofdaccount is maar dit recente formulier niet zichtbaar is bij het hoofd account.

    Betreft formulier Aanmelding bliksemstage.

  • Harvey Enterprise Support
    Geantwoord op 12 september 2023 om 07:20

    Hi jdwsg,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Currently, our Dutch Support agents are not available at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Dutch, please let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Your account is under the grandfathered plan, which is the Economy plan that have the sub-users feature enabled. The sub-users on your account don't share the same plan as you have on the main account, meaning they would see that they are on the Starter plan and not on the Economy plan.

    The Starter plan can only have 5 forms active on their account and would not be able to create more unless they upgrade their account. What you can do instead would be to create the form using your account and share it with the said user. They will then be able to access the form through the Shared Folder and be able to edit it or view the submission depending on the settings you have set.

    As for the form, that is not showing on your main account, can you share its URL with us, so we can check? The form may have been created on the subusers account hence why it's not showing on the shared folder.

    Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to help you with this.

  • jdwsg
    Geantwoord op 12 september 2023 om 09:13

    Dank je wel. Sinds wanneer is dit ? Wij hebben dit nooit eerder gehad met de sub accounts. Wat is het advies om dit wel mogelijk te maken ?

    De link heb ik bij mijn verzoek doorgegeven. Dat is dit formulier wat ik niet zie.

    Is het mogelijk om deze onder het hoofdaccount te zetten zodat deze gedeeld kan worden met het dubaccount BenI ?

  • Harvey Enterprise Support
    Geantwoord op 12 september 2023 om 09:49

    Hi jdwsg,

    Thanks for getting back to us. As for your first question, the sub-users have always not shared the plan of the main account they are added as sub-users. So I suggest having the main account create the forms instead of the sub-users and then sharing the form to the sub-users for them to edit and access it.

    For your other concern, the form ID 230222774764962 is on your main account. Upon further research, the form was archived, which is why you cannot find it in any of your folders. Kindly go to your Archive folder and unarchived the form.

    Subaccount geeft aan dat het een start account is Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Once you unarchived the form you can then share it again with your sub-users. We have a guide about archiving and unarchiving form that you can check out here.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • jdwsg
    Geantwoord op 13 september 2023 om 02:25

    Dank je wel !

    Maar eerder was dit niet zo. Sinds wanneer is dit ?

  • Harvey Enterprise Support
    Geantwoord op 13 september 2023 om 02:48

    Hi jdwsg,

    Thanks for getting back to us. The limitation of sub-users has been added before, the main account's plan cannot be shared with the subusers, subusers can only be assigned to manage the forms and submissions. If you need the subusers account to have higher account limits, they'll also have to upgrade their own plan.

    Let us know if you need any more help.