Hidden field showing when in Edit mode

  • mijnvwe
    Gevraagd op 14 november 2023 om 10:38

    'As for the second question, all hidden fields will show in the Tables page. Can you explain a bit more about the issue, so I can get a better idea of what's happening? It would help us understand the issue better, by providing us a recording that will show the error when you are editing the submission data from the Tables page. Loom is an example of a screencast application you can use.'

    > I know all fields wille show in the Tables page, but when I want to edit the form from there, it act weird. Have a look at my Loom recording here: https://www.loom.com/share/7389653231c54e1c889940e083967129?sid=4edb4983-d4ae-4227-b005-db9b8027c2fd

  • Mary Enterprise Support
    Geantwoord op 14 november 2023 om 10:48

    Hi mijnvwe,

    Thanks for reaching out to us for help. I created a new thread to avoid overcrowding separate issues. I’m sorry you're having issues with your form. Let me look into it and get back to you with a solution.

    We really appreciate your patience and understanding while we’re looking into this.

  • Mary Enterprise Support
    Geantwoord op 14 november 2023 om 11:17

    Hi mijnvwe,

    Thanks for patiently waiting. It seems to be the behavior of all the fields when the form is in edit mode. When you opened the entry in edit mode, it will show all fields present in the form. When the option selected is "Nee", then only the fields: Bedrijfsnaam, Postcode, Huisnummer and E-mailadres should show on the form. The same goes when the option selected is "Ja", where on the fields: Klantnummer (8-cijferig), Bedrijfsnaam and E-mailadres should show. But this condition is overridden when the submission is in edit mode. Take a look at the screenshot below to see my results:

    Hidden field showing when in Edit mode Image 1 Screenshot 40

    Hidden field showing when in Edit mode Image 2 Screenshot 51

    So, the findings, suggest that the initial view in edit mode will show the supposed to be hidden fields. But when you make the actual changes, the condition will follow. Take a look at the screencast below to see my results:

    Hidden field showing when in Edit mode Image 3 Screenshot 62

    In the screenshot above, the original answer was "Ja", then I opened it in edit mode, you can see that "Huisnummer" is showing even though as per the condition set it should not. But the edit mode in first view overrides the condition. It's only when I make an actual change on the form, the condition sets in. You can see, that when I chose "Nee", the fields: Bedrijfsnaam, Postcode, Huisnummer and E-mailadres are showing on the form. But when I changed it back to "Ja", the field "Huisnummer" is not anymore showing, since it followed the condition originally set for it.

    It's not a bug, but, it's a normal behavior of the fields when the form owner opens it in edit mode.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.