mercapixPerguntado em 13 de dezembro de 2023 às 17:19
A condicional que eu criei para abrir o cardápio das 18h às 23h não está mais funcionando no link de pré-preenchimento. No link normal ela funciona... O que aconteceu?
William_CRespondido em 13 de dezembro de 2023 às 21:31
Hi mercapix,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I am using a translator to interpret your question so please bear with me. In any case, still, feel free to answer back in your local language if that would help you express your issue better. If you prefer for someone to help you in your local language, just let us know so we can forward it to them. Meanwhile, I will answer your issue in English.
I was checking your conditions and it shows that the field Horario de acesso is set at the time where your form's is supposedly closed:
Upon reviewing your form, the condition required is that the time is after 17:59 and before 23:00 for your form to be open. And since the time set on this hour is that it is closed then your prefill link will show up as closed despite the time that your form should be open.
Let us know if you have more questions.