How to Add a Spreadsheet Widget in the Form?

  • Husf
    Perguntado em 31 de janeiro de 2024 às 13:21

    Boa tarde,

    Preciso criar uma planilha em um dos formulários tem algum modelo?

    How to Add a Spreadsheet Widget in the Form? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Como a foto acima preciso de algum modelo para criar a planilha.

    Atenciosamente, Anderson.

  • Joseph Christian Jotform Support
    Respondido em 31 de janeiro de 2024 às 16:17

    Hi Anderson,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our Portuguese Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Portuguese, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, let me help you with your question. Adding a spreadsheet widget to your form is easy. Let me show you how:

    • In Form Builder, click the Add Form Element button.
    • Go to the Widgets tab. Search for Spreadsheet, and click it to add.

    How to Add a Spreadsheet Widget in the Form? Image 1 Screenshot 30

    To configure and match the layout in your screenshot, Here’s how to do it:

    1. Click on the Wand icon to access the widget settings.
    2. Under the General tab, you will see these options:
    • Number of Rows — To display how many rows you want to add.
    • Number of Columns — To display how many columns you want to add.
    • Column Labels — You can use this section to show a different label instead of the letters. Adding labels is optional.
    • Default Values — In this section, you can add a value for each cell in the Spreadsheet.
    • Read Only — This section is where you can set cells as read-only.

    Unfortunately, merging the cells in the Spreadsheet widget is not possible yet, but you can try to play around and adjust the settings to your liking. You can also inject the following CSS code to adjust the width.

    #tableContainer table {
    width: 700px; // Change the values according to the form.

    Here's how to inject the CSS code.

    1. In Form Builder, click on the widget to select.
    2. Click on the Wand icon to open the settings.
    3. Click Custom CSS and paste the code.

    How to Add a Spreadsheet Widget in the Form? Image 2 Screenshot 41

    That's it! Give it a try and keep us updated if you need any other help.