Bichara_AdvogadosPerguntado em 20 de março de 2024 às 08:52
Eu tenho uma biblioteca de livros armazenada na tabela do Jotform
Nesta biblioteca, os livros separados por colunas de categoria, título, autor, ano etc
Eu gostaria de criar um formulário que o usuário conseguisse fazer pesquisa na tabela que armazena os livros. Neste formulário, eu gostaria de duas opções:
1 - Que ele digitasse num campo único e que a busca fosse em todos os campos da tabela
2 - Que ele digitasse num campo específico, tipo autor, e a busca fosse somente nestas colunas da tabela
O resultado seria mostrado em seguida.
É possível fazer isso?
Sidharth Jotform SupportRespondido em 20 de março de 2024 às 09:23
Hi Bichara_Advogados,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our Portuguese Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Portuguese, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.
Now, let me help you with your question. If you want to display books in a table format, you can use the Data Grid widget. You just need to paste the comma-separated book data into it. Once this is done, form fillers can search for specific books by entering relevant data in the search box. However, it's important to note that the search will be run on the entire table rather than just a particular column. Adding a Data Grid widget is easy, let me show you how:
- In Form Builder, click on the Add Form Element menu on the left side of the page.
- Click on the Widgets tab.
- Search for the Data Grid widget, and click on it to add.
- Click on the Wand icon.
- In the Widget Properties, add the Column Names and each column should be separated by a comma. Paste the book data in the Data and each column should be separated by a comma and rows in separate lines.
- Finally, click on the Update Widget button.
Give it a try, and let us know if there's anything else I can help you with.
Bichara_AdvogadosRespondido em 20 de março de 2024 às 11:25
Este é o meu formulário https://www.jotform.com/build/240794926860064
Esta é a minha tabela https://www.jotform.com/tables/240794028369667
Como eu faço para conectar a minha tabela https://www.jotform.com/tables/240794028369667 no meu formulário?
Sidharth Jotform SupportRespondido em 20 de março de 2024 às 12:53
Hi Bichara_Advogados,
Thanks for getting back to us. I cannot check your table, does that have data on books that you want to show in the form? Though you can import the data of table 240794028369667 in another table it can't be used to show books in the Data Grid widget.
You can download the data in a CSV file and then copy it into the Data Grid widget. Let me show you how:
- Click on the downward arrow on the top left corner of the page and then click on the Tables.
- Click on the Download All button in green color and then click on the Download as CSV.
- Open the downloaded CSV file in Notepad and copy the content.
- Copy the comma-separated data and paste it into the Data Grid widget on the form.
Give it a try, and let us know if there's anything else I can help you with.