Translate the Credit Card Placeholder to a different language

  • topvilamoura
    Perguntado em 23 de março de 2024 às 12:19

    Can you tell me how can i change the language only on the payment process, because i have forms for portuguese, english and french language.

    At the moment apperas on setence in portuguese below fields for the card details "Quando fornecer as informações do seu cartão, autoriza a cobrar futuros pagamentos do seu cartão de acordo com as respetivas condições." but i also want this setence in english and french in diferent forms.

    Waiting your feedback


  • Harshad_P Enterprise Support
    Respondido em 23 de março de 2024 às 12:25

    Hi Jorge,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I am sorry you are having an issue with this. I am unable to see the last form on this thread. Can you please provide me with the Form URL you are referring to and I can take a look at what's going on? Let me show you where to find the Form URL:

    1. In Form Builder, click on Publish in the orange navigation bar.
    2. You will immediately see the Form URL, click on Copy Link button.
    Translate the Credit Card Placeholder to a different language Image 1 Screenshot 20
    Once we hear back from you we can move forward with a solution.

  • topvilamoura
    Respondido em 25 de março de 2024 às 10:10

    Waiting your feedback


  • Harshad_P Enterprise Support
    Respondido em 25 de março de 2024 às 10:40

    Hi Jorge,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I am sorry you are having an issue with this. I've cloned your form and tested it, but I am not able to see the section you are referring to under the credit card section. Check out the screenshot of my results:Translate the Credit Card Placeholder to a different language Image 1 Screenshot 60Can you please share a screenshot of the section you are referring to and I can take a look at what's going on?

    Additionally, when I cloned your form and tested it, I was not able to see any form translations set up. If you need to set up a bilingual form, you will need to set it up on the form. It's easy to do so. Let me show you how:

    1. Open your form in Form Builder.
    2. In the orange navigation bar at the top of the screen, click on Settings.
    3. Click on the Show More Options button.
    4. Scroll down to the Form Language section and select the language you want to translate the form from.

    Translate the Credit Card Placeholder to a different language Image 2 Screenshot 71

    5. Click on the Edit button next to Translations, and then click on the Add Form Language button.
    6. Select the language you want to translate the form to, and then click on the Add Form Language button.

    Now, the translated form will look like the one below:

    Translate the Credit Card Placeholder to a different language Image 3 Screenshot 82

    7. Go to Form Warnings to see/edit any untranslated fields. And here you can edit the translated fields too. It'll be automatically saved when you add or edit any text.

    Translate the Credit Card Placeholder to a different language Image 4 Screenshot 93

    8. When you're done making the form multilingual, you can click on Preview Form to see how it'll look to anyone filling out your form:

    Translate the Credit Card Placeholder to a different language Image 5 Screenshot 104

    Once we hear back from you we can move forward with a solution.

  • topvilamoura
    Respondido em 27 de março de 2024 às 09:20


    The setence "Informações do Cartão de crédito" and " Quando fornecer as informações do seu cartão, autoriza a cobrar futuros pagamentos do seu cartão de acordo com as respectivas condições" Should appear in french laguange and is appering in portuguese. Maybe could be the Stripe language settings? Waiting your feedback

    Translate the Credit Card Placeholder to a different language Image 1 Screenshot 20

  • Harshad_P Enterprise Support
    Respondido em 27 de março de 2024 às 10:38

    Hi Jorge,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I am sorry you are having an issue with this. This can be happening due to a language setting in Stripe. Can you please check the language in your Stripe account and see if you can select French as default? When I view the form on my device it shows the English language.
    Translate the Credit Card Placeholder to a different language Image 1 Screenshot 20
    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

  • topvilamoura
    Respondido em 22 de maio de 2024 às 06:47


    Regarding the form that i already changed the form language for french is still apearing the text inside the box field of the credit card payments in Portuguese like the image i send you

    The language settings on Stripe is at the moment in english

    Let me give you an example:

    We use one specific computer for customer service to register data from clients with Jotform. But we have same form in 2 diferent languages:

    portuguese (With Integration connected to Stripe to capture data of credit card to receive later with form language in portuguese - apearing the text inside the field of the credit card payments in Portuguese)

    and french (With Integration connected to Stripe to capture data of credit card to receive later with form language in French - apearing the text inside the field of the credit card payments in Portuguese

    I need to know who is the responsable for the language inside the field box of information of card details, Jotform or Stripe? Because i need this information inside this field box be in french language on the french form and in portuguese in the portugese form

    Waiting your feedback


    Translate the Credit Card Placeholder to a different language Image 1 Screenshot 40)

    Translate the Credit Card Placeholder to a different language Image 2 Screenshot 51

    Translate the Credit Card Placeholder to a different language Image 3 Screenshot 62

  • Harshad_P Enterprise Support
    Respondido em 22 de maio de 2024 às 11:17

    Hi Jorge,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I am sorry you are having an issue with this. I've cloned your form and tested it, and I was able to replicate the issue. I have gone ahead and escalated the issue to our developers to investigate this further. Once we hear back from them I'll circle back to this thread and give you an update.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding, we really appreciate that.

  • Patrick Product Triage Specialist
    Respondido em 23 de maio de 2024 às 04:40

    Hi Jorge,

    Thanks for your patience and understanding while we are looking into this. The credit card section description displayed on Stripe is shown based on your browser's language, independent of your form's language settings. For example, when I load your forms in a browser set to English, I see the mentioned message in English. Please refer to my screenshot below:

    French Form:

    Translate the Credit Card Placeholder to a different language Image 1 Screenshot 30

    Portuguese Form:

    Translate the Credit Card Placeholder to a different language Image 2 Screenshot 41

    As you can see in my screenshots, the translation of this text string is automatically shown according to the form filler’s browser language settings rather than your form's language settings. So, if you want to change the language you view on the said string, you'll need to change the browser language accordingly.

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes. Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to move forward.

  • topvilamoura
    Respondido em 23 de maio de 2024 às 11:43


    I alread set browser's language for english.

    In the french form the setence "By providing your card information, you allow to charge your card for future payments in accordance with their terms. it is OK in English, but the topic setence "Informações do Cartão de Crédito" is in portuguese, but we need in French (Or could be in English, but preference in french"

    Waiting your feedback

    JorgeTranslate the Credit Card Placeholder to a different language Image 1 Screenshot 20

  • Afzal Jotform Support
    Respondido em 23 de maio de 2024 às 16:41

    Hi Jorge,

    Thanks for getting back to us. I understand you are looking to change the label "Informações do Cartão de Crédito" to French. Doing that is easy. Let me show you how:

    • Open your form in Form Builder
    • Then, scroll down and click on the Payment field.
    • The label is editable, you can add the text in any preferred language:

    Translate the Credit Card Placeholder to a different language Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.