coordenadorqualidadePerguntado em 8 de abril de 2024 às 09:02
Bom dia!
Não estamos conseguindo anexar fotos utilizando o app do Jotform para celular android.
Poderia me auxiliar? estamos com o processo parado por conta disso.
Shirized Jotform SupportRespondido em 8 de abril de 2024 às 09:10
Hi Qualidade,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our Portuguese Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Portuguese, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.
Now, let me help you with your question. Can you tell me if you encounter an error when attaching images to your Jotform app? If you can take a screenshot of what’s happening, that will help us to better understand what’s going on. We have a guide about how to do that here. if you can also share the link of your Jotform app so we can check what's happening.
Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to move forward with a solution.
coordenadorqualidadeRespondido em 8 de abril de 2024 às 09:25
Não aparece nenhum erro, simplesmente quando clica no botão para tirar a foto ele não abre nada. Isso esta acontecendo e todos os celulares que testei. Já limpei cache, limpei histórico, desinstalei o app e nada aconteceu. Verifiquei que o erro começou após a ultima atualização em 4/4/24
Shirized Jotform SupportRespondido em 8 de abril de 2024 às 09:53
Hi Qualidade,
Thanks for getting back to us. I'm sorry this is happening. Are you perhaps referring to the Jotform Mobile app? If so, can you tell me what device you used to reproduce the issue, so I can test it on my end? In addition, are you using the Take Photo widget on your form? I can investigate that if you can send a screenshot of what’s happening. We’ve got a guide here explaining how to do that.
Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to move forward with a solution.
coordenadorqualidadeRespondido em 8 de abril de 2024 às 10:19
Sim é o jotform mobile
Sim uso o widget de tirar foto.
Estou testando no sansung A54.
Versão do Jotform 2.9.45(485)
Problema: Ao apertar o botão tirar foto nada acontece.
Relatório de Análise por Espectrômetria (jotform.com)
Shirized Jotform SupportRespondido em 8 de abril de 2024 às 11:07
Hi Qualidade,
Thanks for getting back to us. I'm sorry this is happening. I tested the form on my Samsung device, and I was able to replicate the issue on my end. Furthermore, I also tested another form on my end and the Take Photo widget is not taking any photos. I created a ticket and escalated this to our Developer team.
Although we don't know exactly when the issue will be fixed, we’ll circle back to this thread when we have an update.
Thanks for your patience and understanding, we appreciate it.