form yazdırmak

  • dmrdestek
    19 Mart 2023 01:58 tarihinde soruldu


    doldurulan formu aynı anda hem gönderip hem de yazıcıdan print alma şansımız var mı?

  • Cecile Enterprise Support
    19 Mart 2023 02:48 tarihinde yanıtlandı

    Hello dmrdestek,

    Thanks for contacting Jotform Support. Our Turkish support is currently unavailable.  However, let me try my best to address your concern in English. You can print the form by enabling Print Button. All you have to do is go to Submit Properties by clicking on the gear icon of Submit button. Under Advanced, turn Print Button on.

    1679208091 6416ae9bc722d  Screenshot 10

    As for sending the completed form, you may attach the submission PDF to the email. See this guide to know how. However, I'm afraid that there's no particular button that would print and then submit the form at the same time.

    If, in any case, I have misunderstood your concern, please do not hesitate to let us know and give us more details about your requirements.