sadiqorxan06221 Nisan 2023 04:14 tarihinde soruldu
Skril hesabim 5 gündür dogrulanmadi ve dogrulanmasini bekliyorum . Neden bu kadar gecikiyo ?
Joram_Perucho21 Nisan 2023 08:55 tarihinde yanıtlandı
Hello Orxan,
Thanks for contacting Jotform Support. Unfortunately, Turkish support is unavailable at the moment so I will answer you in English.
If I understood you correctly, you are referring to the verification of your Skrill account. Please note that the Skrill verification is verified by them and not Jotform directly. I would suggest that you contact them directly to ask about the issue that you are getting.
If you need more help or want to be assisted in Turkish, please let us know.