aplmdprojeteurDemandé le 25 décembre 2024 à 22:08
Il s'agit d'un formulaire pour réserver le service de buanderie dans un refuge pour personnes sans domicile fixe. Il y a 250 places de disponibles par semaine et le nombre d'usagers est supérieur à 500. Nous souhaiterions donc limiter le nombre de réservations par usager à 1 tous les 15 jours. Comment faire ?
Vous remerciant par avance et vous félicitant pour votre plateforme,
Bien à vous,
Page URL: https://form.jotform.com/243484257741159 -
Sheena Jotform SupportRépondu le 26 décembre 2024 à 00:27
Hi aplmdprojeteur,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Our French Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users right now, so I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in French, let us know and we can have them do that. But, it might take a while until they're available again.
Now, coming back to your question. We can prevent the same user from submitting the form again by enabling the Unique Question feature. This way, if a user enters the same email address, the form won't be submitted. Let me show you how:
- In Form Builder, click on the Settings tab at the top part of the Form Builder.
- Click on Show More Options.
- Scroll down a bit to see the Unique Field feature and select the Email field.
That's it. Now if the user submits the form again and uses the same email, they will see this error:
We also have a guide about How to Set Form Limits Based on a Unique Field that you can check out.To prevent a user from submitting a form more than once every 15 days, you can combine an email field and a short text field that has a default value, which you need to change every 15 days. Here's a guide on How to Set up the Unique Field Limit Using Multiple Fields that you can check out.
Let us know if you have any other questions.
aplmdprojeteurRépondu le 27 décembre 2024 à 10:23
Hello Sheena,
Thanks for prompt reply.
I think I understood, but I'm not sure if it will work... I asked another question separately, but at the end, as I was imaging, they are related. Likewise, I might have put my 2 questions together, maybe.
I will try to explain all the issue:
— The shelter has an occupancy of more than 500 persons (some of them do the laundry outside the shelter),
— The laundry capability is just 250 bags per week.
— Then, each week, I'll need to use this form to schedule appointments. At the end of the week, I need to delete the responses so I can open up those same slots for the next week.
By doing that, I suppose, all the information will be erased. By consequence, it might be difficult to check if someone summits the form in 2 consecutive weeks! Or is it still a way to solve this “issue”?
James Adalem Jotform SupportRépondu le 27 décembre 2024 à 12:44
Hi Luis,
Before deleting submissions from your form, you can disable the form to prevent any further submissions. It's easy to disable your form. Let me show you how:
- In Form Builder, click on Settings in the orange navigation bar at the top of the page.
- Under Form Settings, click on Enabled under the Form Status section.
- Click the dropdown menu under the Form Status section, and select Disabled.
- Add a warming message if you want then click on the Save button once done.
Let us know if you have any other questions.
aplmdprojeteurRépondu le 27 décembre 2024 à 18:51
The form get disable automatically on Saturday night...
How does that solve the problem?
aplmdprojeteurRépondu le 27 décembre 2024 à 18:57
I forgot....it gets disable automatically whet there is no more slots to book (the more common case, or on Saturday night. The problem remain the same....
I have to erase the submissions in order to allow people to book for the next week...I still can't prevent people to book a second time in 15 days!
Christian Ice Jotform SupportRépondu le 27 décembre 2024 à 21:50
Hi Luis,
You can create a Show/Hide Field condition on your form to not book a second time in 15 days. Here's how:
- In Form Builder, click on Settings in the orange navigation bar at the top of the page.
- Select Conditions in the menu on the left side of the page.
- Click on Add Conditions.
- Choose Show/Hide Field.
- Set up a condition like shown below and click on Save.
We also have a guide on How to Show or Hide Fields Conditionally that you can check out.
Give it a try and reach out again if you have any other questions.
aplmdprojeteurRépondu le 27 décembre 2024 à 23:47
Sorry, I still don't see how come that will solve the issue, although it is a great idea to avoid people to book for the upcoming week....but the submissions are erased every Saturday night. So, booking a week in advance will be useless for the users.
To solve the problem, we should bear in mind that there are 2 cycles (and, as for now, people can submit the form just once a week) :
one cycle is weekly : opening and closing the form, plus erasing the submissions in order to reopen the availabilities (250 slots),
the other is every 2 weeks. Since the number of resident (+500) is greater than 2 time the number of slots (250), we want to limit people to do the laundry just once every 2 weeks.
Since I have to erase the submissions every week (as explained above), there is no data to verify if someone have done the laundry (or submit the form) the previous week!
Then, bearing in mind all this constrains, the only way that come to my mind (to prevent people to submit the form more than once in 2 consecutive weeks), is creating a condition using their device IP or cookies (+ timeframe : previous week)....or maybe google stats. But I don't know how to implement this kind of conditions, not even if it is possible.
aplmdprojeteurRépondu le 28 décembre 2024 à 00:36
What do you think if:
- We keep the booking period open for 1 week,
- We duplicate the number of slot available 500 instead of 250, but 250 will always remain taken (last week),
- Every Saturday night, we change the timeframe for the submissions (end next Friday morning), we erase the submissions received a week ago, so we always keen the record of the ending week.
- People can submit the form just once a week (if they haven't done it the previous week because now, we have the data to check thought out a condition).
Just need to verify if such a condition base on the name or email + any submission last week could be implemented! If it is possible, that might work!
Frédéric Jotform SupportRépondu le 28 décembre 2024 à 03:04
Hi Luis,
Yes, this can be the better solution. To achieve that, you can allow a person to submit the form only once she has been deleted from the submission tables with the Unique Field option, as my colleague Sheena mentioned above, and select the Email for this option.
Give it a try and let us know how it goes.
aplmdprojeteurRépondu le 28 décembre 2024 à 12:53
Hi Frédéric,
That's exactly what I did!
It seems to work!
What is not working properly is the workflow, but I will open another ticket for that issue.
Thank you all for your attention, your time, and your support!
aplmdprojeteurRépondu le 28 décembre 2024 à 15:02
Workflow working right now!